Free Trademark Assignment

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Trademark Assignment

Assignor's Details

Assignor's Details

Assignor's Details

e.g. Street, City, Province or Territory and Postal Code

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the Assignor?The Assignor is the person or organization that owns the trademark.

Your Trademark Assignment

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THIS TRADEMARK ASSIGNMENT (the "Assignment") dated this ________ day of ________________, ________.


____________________ of ____________________

(the "Assignor")

- and -

____________________ of ____________________

(the "Assignee")

  1. Trademark
  2. The Assignor is the owner of the following trademark (the "Mark"):

  3. The Mark is registered with the Office of the Registrar of Trademarks with the registration number: _______________________.
  4. Assignment
  5. The Assignor, in consideration the Price, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does sell, assign and transfer to the Assignee the Mark, together with that portion of the good will of the business with which the Mark is associated, and all right, title and interest in the Mark, including, but not limited to, the right to register the Mark, to renew registration of the Mark and to license the use of the Mark.
  6. The Assignee, in consideration of the Assignor assigning the Mark to the Assignee on the terms in this Agreement, will pay to the Assignor the following amount: $__________ (the "Price").
  7. The Price is payable in Canadian dollars and is payable as follows: on the signing of this Agreement.

    The remainder of this document will be available when you have purchased a licence.
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Looking for a Letter of Intent in French?

Use our Contrat de cession de marque.

Related Documents

  • Assignment: Transfer rights, obligations, responsibilities, and benefits of a contract or property from one person to another.
  • Assignment of Trade Name: Transfer the rights of a trade name from one party to another.
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