Free Discharge of Mortgage

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Discharge of Mortgage


Your Discharge of Mortgage

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Discharge of Mortgage
Land Titles Act
Sections 36 and 106

I, _________________________, the mortgagee, do hereby acknowledge to have received all the money to become due under the mortgage made by _________________________ to _________________________ which mortgage was registered in the Land Titles Office as instrument number: _________________, that the mortgage has not been transferred, and that the same is wholly discharged.

In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name this ________ day of ________________, ________.

SIGNED by the above named




in the presence of


(Witness Name)



Affidavit of Attestation of Discharge of Mortgage

I, ___________________________, of ______________________ (city), in the Province of Alberta make oath and say:

  1. I was personally present and did see _________________________, who, on the basis of the identification provided to me, I believe to be the person named in the within Discharge of Mortgage, duly sign the Discharge;
  2. The Discharge was executed at ______________________ (city), in the Province of Alberta and I am the subscribing witness thereto;
  3. I believe the person whose signature I witnessed is at least 18 years of age.
SWORN/AFFIRMED BEFORE ME at (city) ____________________________, Alberta, on the ________ day of ________________, ________

Signature _____________________________ (Seal)
My Commission expires: ______________________




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Discharge of Mortgage

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