Use LawDepot’s Rent Receipt template to create a properly formatted document with all the necessary details.
Simply answer our questionnaire to customize the template with your personal information. Then, download a PDF version for your records or print a copy for the landlord to sign.
First, summarize rental payment information and add any relevant information from the Lease Agreement. This can include details such as:
- Method of payment (e.g., personal cheque, e-transfer, cash, etc.)
- Payment amount and date it was received
- Whether rent was paid in full, and if not, how much was paid
- Rental period for the receipt
- Property location
- Any late fees
You cannot use LawDepot’s Rent Receipt to add cleaning charges.
However, if you need to charge late fees, the template automatically calculates the remaining balance based on the total owed and the amount paid. In this case, you must add a statement about how late fees will apply.
Remember, local laws may limit a landlord’s ability to charge late fees. Our template includes legal information and help text based on the jurisdiction you select. However, it’s crucial to reference your Residential Tenancy Act or consult a lawyer if you're unsure about charging extra.
Step 2: State party details
Next, include the name, address, and phone number of the party who received the payment. This gives tenants contact information if they have any questions or concerns regarding the invoice.
You must also include the full name of the tenant(s) paying rent and the rental property address.
Step 3: Sign and execute the document
If needed, our template gives you the option to add a receipt number for tracking and organizing payments from each tenant. You may find that having a proper invoice numbering system helps you easily organize and reference your paperwork.
It’s also essential to include the date the receipt is issued. If you don’t know this information when creating your receipt online, you can always fill this in by hand after printing the document.
Finally, a Rent Receipt should include the printed name and signature of the landlord or property manager who processed the payment and issued the receipt.