Free Child Medical Consent

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Child Medical Consent



Your Child Medical Consent

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  1. I, ____________________ of ________________________ make oath and say that I am the lawful guardian of the child listed below and there are no court orders now in effect that would prohibit me from conferring the power to consent upon another person.

    Information of Child

    ____________________, male, born March 9, 2025 at ________________________ and residing at __________________________________________

  2. I hereby authorize and appoint ____________________ of __________________________________________ as my agent (my "Agent"). Unless otherwise provided in this authorization, my Agent may consent to emergency and routine medical treatment for my child, including dental treatment, anaesthesia, and blood transfusion.
  3. My Agent may have access to any and all records, including, but not limited to, insurance records regarding any medical services or treatment provided.
  4. The purpose of this instrument is to give ____________________ the power and authority to consent to medical treatment for my child. This power and authority will be effective as of the 9th day of March, 2025.
  5. I give this consent freely and knowingly in order to provide for the child and not as a result of coercion, duress or payments by any person or agency.
  6. This consent will remain in effect until it is revoked by notifying my child's medical, mental health care and insurance providers, in writing, and the Agent named above that I wish to revoke it.
  7. Any questions or concerns regarding this authorization may be directed to me at:

    Name: ____________________
    Address: ________________________
    Phone Number: ____________________
    Secondary Phone: ____________________
    Email: ____________________

The remainder of this document will be available when you have purchased a licence.

Related Documents:

  • Child Travel Consent: Create a document granting your child permission to travel with a temporary guardian in your absence.
  • Last Will and Testament: Write an estate planning document determining how to distribute your assets after you pass away.
  • Living Will: Write an estate planning document detailing your end-of-life medical preferences and naming someone to make medical decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated.
  • Child Care Contract: Create a contract between you and a childcare provider to outline your arrangements.
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Child Medical Consent

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