Legal Forms & Legal Documents
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- Accord de confidentialitéL’Accord de confidentialité protège les informations révélées à d’autres parties, comme les opérations commerciales et les relations employeur-employé.
- Accord de non-divulgationL'Accord de non-divulgation protège vos informations confidentielles, notamment les inventions, révélées pendant des discussions ou négociations avec d'autres parties.
- Accord de séparationL'Accord de non-divulgation protège vos informations confidentielles révélées à d'autres parties, comme les inventions.
- Activity Waiver FormAn Activity or Sports Waiver releases the party providing the activity from liability claims from participants. Protect your company & create your waiver now.
- AffidavitAn Affidavit is a sworn written statement made before an official or anyone who may legally administer an oath.
- Affidavit of ExecutionAn Affidavit of Execution is used by a party to verify that they witnessed the signing of a legal document.
- Amending AgreementA Contract Addendum, Amendment, or Amending Agreement is used to make alterations to existing legal contracts or agreements. The original document remains in effect, but one or more changes are made to the terms of the agreement.
- Amortization ScheduleAn Amortization Schedule outlines the amount of time it will take to pay off a debt, such as a loan or mortgage, by calculating and listing the amount of interest and principal that make up each payment.
- Articles of IncorporationArticles of Incorporation are documents filed with the government to legally form a corporation.
- AssignmentAn Assignment Agreement may be used to transfer property, rights, or obligations to another party.
- Assignment of Partnership InterestAn Assignment of Partnership Interest Agreement transfers partnership interest from one party to another to the extent permitted by the Partnership Agreement.
- Assignment of Trade Name An Assignment of Trade Name legally transfers all the rights of a trade name from one individual to another.
- Bail commercialLe Bail commercial crée un contrat de location d’un local à usage commercial entre un locateur et un locataire.
- Band Partnership AgreementA Band Partnership Agreement establishes the rules for being in a band, including the rights and responsibilities of each member.
- Bill of SaleA Bill of Sale transfers ownership of an item from one party to another.
- Board ResolutionA Directors' Resolution can be used to record minutes at a director meeting or to describe director resolutions in lieu of a corporate meeting.
- Building ContractA Service Agreement is a contract used between a service provider and a client (or customer) that outlines the exchange of services for compensation.
- Business PlanA Business Plan is a comprehensive proposal that outlines a business's challenges and opportunities as well as its marketing, financial, and management plans.
- Catering ContractA Catering Contract is a service agreement used when catering services are provided by a caterer to a customer. The agreement covers compensation and event details.
- Cease & Desist LetterA Cease and Desist Letter is used to order another individual or company to stop an action or behavior, such as copyright violation or debt collection, and to refrain from doing it in the future.
- Certificate of IncumbencyA Certificate of Incumbency is used to confirm the identity of the officers of a corporation. It may also be used to confirm the names of directors and shareholders, or to verify minute book contents.
- Child Care ContractA Child Care Contract is used when a child care provider is hired to care for a child on a contractual basis.
- Child Medical ConsentA Child Medical Consent is a document where a parent or guardian grants permission to a caregiver or other person to make medical decisions for a child.
- Child Travel ConsentA Child Travel Consent gives a minor child permission to travel without their parents or legal guardians. Use this form when your child needs to travel alone or with another adult, who is not their legal guardian (e.g., a grandparent, friend, or teacher).
- Child Visitation LetterA Child Visitation Letter is used to plan a visit with your child or to inform the child's other parent that they are not following the visitation agreement.
- Cleaning Services AgreementA Cleaning Services Agreement spells out the terms and conditions of cleaning services offered by a cleaning company to a customer.
- CodicilA Codicil modifies, removes, or adds clauses to an existing Last Will and Testament.
- Cohabitation AgreementA Cohabitation Agreement is used by couples who are not legally married, but want to live together in a shared residence. It addresses property, debts, and other details in order to protect each individual's interests in the event the relationship comes t
- Commercial Lease AgreementA Commercial Lease Agreement creates a commercial tenancy between a landlord and business tenant.
- Commercial Lease ApplicationA Commercial Lease Application is used by landlords, lessees, and property managers to collect information on potential business tenants prior to leasing commercial property.
- Commercial Sublease AgreementA Commercial Sublease Agreement is used when the original tenant wishes to transfer the remaining lease obligations under a commercial tenancy to a subtenant.
- Common Law Partner AgreementA Cohabitation Agreement is used by couples who are not legally married, but want to live together in a shared residence. It addresses property, debts, and other details in order to protect each individual's interests in the event the relationship comes t
- Company Articles (BC)BC Company Articles are rules that govern the internal management of a British Columbia company, including corporate meetings, voting requirements, and responsibilities of officers.
- Compensation AgreementA Compensation Agreement is a contract between an employer and an employee to set or change the wage or salary of that employee.
- Complaint LetterA Complaint Letter is a formal letter written by an individual to state their dissatisfaction with a product or service.
- Computer Services AgreementA Computer Services Agreement is a written contract used when a provider is offering computer-based services to a customer, such as repairs, updates, or installations.
- Conditions générales d'un site webLes Conditions générales d’un site web détaillent l’ensemble des obligations et droits des utilisateurs et du propriétaire d’un site web.
- Confidentiality AgreementA Confidentiality Agreement is used to protect sensitive information shared between two parties by prohibiting the disclosure of this information to an outside source.
- Consentement au voyage d’enfantUn Consentement au voyage d’un enfant est une autorisation parentale autorisant un mineur à voyager avec un parent, un groupe, une autre personne ou seul.
- Consent to Action Without MeetingA Directors' Resolution can be used to record minutes at a director meeting or to describe director resolutions in lieu of a corporate meeting.
- Consent to be Director and OfficerA Consent to be Director and Officer is completed when a corporate director or officer is first appointed.
- Construction ContractA Service Agreement is a contract used between a service provider and a client (or customer) that outlines the exchange of services for compensation.
- Consulting AgreementA Consulting Agreement is a contract involving a consultant and a client, where the consultant offers their services to the client in exchange for compensation.
- Contract AddendumA Contract Addendum, Amendment, or Amending Agreement is used to make alterations to existing legal contracts or agreements. The original document remains in effect, but one or more changes are made to the terms of the agreement.
- Contract AmendmentA Contract Addendum, Amendment, or Amending Agreement is used to make alterations to existing legal contracts or agreements. The original document remains in effect, but one or more changes are made to the terms of the agreement.
- Contrat de cession de bailLe Contrat de cession de bail transfère les droits et obligations relatifs à un bail existant d'un locataire à un autre.
- Contrat de cession de droit à l'imageLe Contrat de cession de droit à l’image permet de donner à un tiers le droit d’utiliser son image pour sa création visuelle ou audiovisuelle.
- Contrat de cession de droits d'auteurLe contrat de cession de droit d'auteur permet de donner à un tiers le droit d'utiliser son oeuvre selon les modalités convenues par les parties.
- Contrat de cession de marqueLe Contrat de cession de marque permet à un propriétaire (le cédant) d’une marque déposée de la céder ou la vendre à un tiers (le cessionnaire).
- Contrat de conception de site webLe Contrat de conception de site web précise les conditions d'une prestation de service de réalisation d'un site web entre un fournisseur et son client.
- Contrat de consultationLe Contrat de consultation définit les conditions d’une prestation de services de conseil réalisée par un consultant pour son client.
- Contrat de location saisonnièreLe Contrat de location saisonnière permet à un propriétaire de louer sa propriété meublée à un locataire (un invité) pour une courte période.
- Contrat de mariageUn Contrat de mariage est un contrat utilisé par deux personnes qui souhaitent, avant le mariage, régler diverses questions financières et patrimoniales.
- Contrat de modification de bailLe Contrat de modification de bail permet de modifier un contrat de location par l'ajout, la suppression ou la modification de clauses. La rédaction d'un tel contrat est nécessaire lorsque l'on souhaite modifier le bail initial.
- Contrat de prêt d'argentUn Contrat de prêt d’argent établit les modalités d’un prêt d’argent entre des particuliers, des entreprises ou entre un particulier et une entreprise.
- Contrat de servicesLe Contrat de services définit les conditions d’une prestation de services réalisée par un fournisseur pour son client.
- Contrat de sous-location commercialeLe Contrat de sous-location commerciale permet au locataire d’un bien immobilier commercial de le sous-louer entièrement ou partiellement.
- Contrat de sous-location résidentielleLe Contrat de sous-location résidentielle permet aux locataires d’un logement de le sous-louer entièrement ou partiellement à un sous-locataire.
- Contrat de travailLe Contrat de travail précise les conditions du rapport employeur-employé, comme la nature permanente ou temporaire du poste ou l'horaire de travail.
- Contrat de travailleur autonomeLe Contrat de travailleur autonome définit les conditions d’une prestation de services réalisée par un travailleur autonome pour son client.
- Contrat de venteUn Contrat de vente précise les conditions d’une transaction par laquelle un vendeur promet de vendre quelque chose à un acheteur qui s’engage à l’acheter.
- Contrat de vente d'un véhiculeLe Contrat de vente d'un véhicule est utilisé pour transférer la propriété d'un véhicule d'un vendeur à un acheteur et sert aussi de preuve de vente.
- Contrat de vie communeUn Contrat de vie commune permet aux couples non mariés ni civilement unis d'organiser leur vie commune et de protéger leurs intérêts en cas de séparation.
- Convention d'indivisionLa convention d’indivision est un accord écrit qui organise la vie collective des copropriétaires et définit les règles relatives à l’indivision.
- Convention de colocationLa Convention de colocation définit les règles d’une colocation et les obligations des colocataires les uns envers les autres.
- Convention de rupture de contrat de travailLa Convention de rupture de contrat de travail permet à un employé et son employeur de convenir des modalités relatives à la cessation d'emploi.
- Convention unanime des actionnairesLa Convention unanime des actionnaires est un contrat utilisé dans les sociétés par actions pour définir les droits et obligations des actionnaires et instaurer des règles de gestion de la société, notamment la gouvernance interne, l'évaluation des actions ou la distribution des bénéfices.
- Corporate BylawsCorporate Bylaws are rules that govern the internal management of a corporation, including corporate meetings, voting requirements, and responsibilities of officers.
- Corporate Name SearchA Corporate Name Search is required by the government to incorporate a business. It ensures that a proposed corporate name has not already been trademarked by searching appropriate databases for similar or identical business names.
- Corporate ResolutionA Directors' Resolution can be used to record minutes at a director meeting or to describe director resolutions in lieu of a corporate meeting.
- Corporate SealsCorporate supplies include a custom minute book, Corporate Seals, or share certificates for your company.
- Corporate Services (Alberta)Alberta Corporate Services include filing an annual return, changing a corporate address, changing directors, or changing the address of the director(s) in a corporation.
- Corporate Services (Ontario)Ontario Corporate Services include filing an annual or initial return, changing a corporate address or address of directors, or changing the directors of the corporation.
- Corporate SuppliesCorporate Supplies include a custom minute book, corporate seals, or share certificates for your company.
- Cover LetterA Cover Letter is used to inform potential employers of the position you are applying for and why your application is worth consideration.
- Déclaration de copropriétéLa Déclaration de copropriété est un document écrit qui organise et réglemente la vie collective des copropriétaires et occupants d'un immeuble au sein d'une copropriété.
- Déclaration sous sermentUne Déclaration sous serment est une déclaration écrite qui atteste, sous peine de sanctions pénales, de faits connus par son auteur.
- Demand LetterA Demand Letter is sent out to request payment or action, which is in default, from another party. It describes the payment or action that is being claimed and how it should be resolved.
- Digital Image LicenceA Digital Image Licence allows you to outline how a customer may use your digital images.
- Directors' ResolutionA Directors' Resolution can be used to record minutes at a director meeting or to describe director resolutions in lieu of a corporate meeting.
- Discharge of MortgageA Discharge of Mortgage is signed by a lender acknowledging that a mortgage has been fully paid by a borrower.
- Emergency PlanAn Emergency Plan ensures everyone in your household knows what to do in case of an emergency or disaster.
- Employee EvaluationAn Employee Evaluation is used by employers to assess employee job performance.
- Employee Privacy PolicyAn Employee Privacy Policy outlines employee privacy rights and when and where personal information can be disclosed.
- Employee Warning LetterAn employer issues an Employee Warning Letter to an employee who has violated workplace rules. The letter describes the infraction, consequences, and areas for improvement.
- Employment ContractAn Employment Contract sets out employment terms, conditions, and expectations between an employer and employee.
- Employment Offer LetterAn Employment Offer Letter formally presents a job opportunity to a new employee. The letter includes details such as a start date, compensation package, job responsibilities, and more.
- Employment Termination LetterAn Employment Termination Letter formally advises an employee that his or her employment has been terminated.
- End-of-Life PlanAn End-of-Life Plan outlines your wishes for after your death, including how you want your body to be dealt with and whether you want services in your name.
- End User Licence Agreement (EULA)A Software Licence Agreement, commonly known as an End User Licence Agreement (EULA), is a contract that allows a user to buy the rights to use a computer program, software, or application.
- Equipment Rental AgreementAn Equipment Rental Agreement establishes the terms and conditions for renting a piece of equipment, such as the lease period, rent details, whether insurance is needed, and more.
- État des lieuxL'État des lieux est une description écrite de l'état d'un logement et ses équipements. Il se fait à l'arrivée du locataire dans le logement et à sa sortie.
- Eviction NoticeAn Eviction Notice informs a tenant of overdue rent, lease violations, the end of a non-renewing lease term, or other legal grounds for terminating a rental contract.
- Financial Statement (Personal)A Personal Financial Statement is a document that organizes and presents an individual's current financial situation.
- Gift DeedTransfer money or ownership of a piece of property to a person or organization, without getting compensation. This document acts as legal evidence of the gift or donation.
- Health Care DirectiveA Living Will or Health Care Directive allows you to specify your health care treatment preferences should you no longer be able to make medical decisions for yourself, or to appoint someone to make these decisions for you.
- Hold-Harmless (Indemnity) AgreementA Hold-Harmless (Indemnity) Agreement allows one party to protect another party against any future losses or claims that may result from a particular activity.
- Incorporation Package (Alberta)Incorporating in Alberta allows your business to become a corporation, meaning it becomes an independent legal entity within the province, separate from you and your finances.
- Incorporation Package (BC)Incorporation in British Columbia lets you register a business as its own legal entity, separate from its owners. This allows you to operate as a corporation in BC.
- Incorporation Package (Federal)Federal Incorporation is the process of registering a business under the laws and regulations of the federal government, allowing it to operate across all Canadian provinces and territories.
- Incorporation Package (Ontario)Ontario Incorporation is a crucial step in establishing a formal and independent legal entity in the province of Ontario. It separates your business from you and your personal finances.
- Incorporation Package (Saskatchewan)The Saskatchewan Incorporation package comes with options to include Articles of Incorporation, a Corporate Minute Book, Corporate Seals, Share Certificates, and assistance with name reservation and registration with the government of Saskatchewan.
- Independent Contractor AgreementAn Independent Contractor Agreement is a written contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the working arrangement between an independent contractor and client.
- Invoice FormAn Invoice Form is issued by a seller to a buyer, providing a record of goods sold or services rendered and the amount due for each.
- Joint Venture AgreementA Joint Venture Agreement is a contract between at least two business entities or individuals entering into a temporary business relationship to achieve a project or goal.
- Just-In-Case InstructionsDescribe your everyday life so family or friends can handle your affairs in case of an emergency. Your Just-In-Case Instructions guard against the unknown.
- Landlord's Consent to Lease AssignmentA Landlord's Consent to Lease Assignment is a form of written permission provided by the landlord in order for the original tenant to transfer all rights and obligations of the lease to a new tenant.
- Landlord's Consent to SubleaseA Landlord's Consent to Sublease is used when a tenant wishes to sublease the premises to a new tenant and requires the Landlord's written permission to do so.
- Last Will and TestamentUse a Last Will and Testament to control the distribution of your estate and to appoint a legal guardian for any dependents after you pass away.
- Lease AddendumA Lease Amendment makes changes to an existing lease (e.g. changing the permitted use of property or term length). The original lease remains in effect, but with the amendments.
- Lease Assignment AgreementA Lease Assignment transfers the rights and obligations of an existing lease from one tenant to another.
- Letter of IntentThis Letter of Intent provides a non-binding letter for two or more parties to outline an understanding for a future agreement.
- Letter of RecommendationA Letter of Recommendation is a written assessment of another person's abilities and character.
- Lettre d'intentionLa Lettre d'intention est un document qui n'a pas de force obligatoire et qui est utilisé par deux parties ou plus pour manifester leur accord en vue de parvenir à la conclusion d'un futur contrat.
- Lettre de démissionLa Lettre de démission permet à l'employé de mettre fin au contrat de travail qui le lie à son employeur.
- Lettre de mise en demeureLa Lettre de mise en demeure est un document envoyé par courrier recommandé pour demander un paiement ou la réalisation d’une action.
- Lien ReleaseA Lien Release removes a lien on a property after the lien claimant has been paid for their work.
- Living WillA Living Will or Health Care Directive allows you to specify your health care treatment preferences should you no longer be able to make medical decisions for yourself, or to appoint someone to make these decisions for you.
- Loan AgreementA Loan Agreement sets out the terms and conditions of a loan between individuals or corporations.
- Mandat de protectionLe Mandat de protection future est un contrat qui permet d’organiser à l’avance la protection de sa personne et de son patrimoine.
- Mechanic's LienA Mechanic's Lien creates a security interest in a property and is usually used by a builder or supplier to ensure they will be paid for their work or materials.
- Medical Power of AttorneyA Living Will or Health Care Directive allows you to specify your health care treatment preferences should you no longer be able to make medical decisions for yourself, or to appoint someone to make these decisions for you.
- Memorandum of UnderstandingThis Memorandum of Understanding provides a non-binding letter for two or more parties to outline an understanding for a future agreement.
- Minute BookCorporate supplies include a custom Minute Book, corporate seals, or share certificates for your company.
- Minute Book Rights of InspectionA Minute Book Rights of Inspection sets out which corporate documents may be viewed and copied by directors, shareholders, creditors and the general public.
- Minutes of Directors' MeetingA Directors' Resolution can be used to record minutes at a director meeting or to describe director resolutions in lieu of a corporate meeting.
- Minutes of Shareholders' MeetingA Shareholders' Minutes of Meeting records decisions taken by a corporation at a meeting of its shareholders.
- Model and Entertainment ReleaseA Model and Entertainment Release is a contract in which the subject of a work (such as a photograph, video, or audio recording) consents to the commercial use of that work by a photographer, artist, or third party (such as a magazine or website).
- Mortgage AgreementA Mortgage Agreement is used by a lender to secure a loan in the borrower's purchase of real estate.
- Music Performance ContractA Performance Contract sets out the terms of a performance by an individual or group in a private or commercial venue.
- Music Recording ContractA Music Recording Contract is a written agreement between a recording studio and artist, and addresses the recording terms, including production, compensation and royalties, exclusivity, and more.
- Non-Compete AgreementA Non-Compete Agreement is a contract used to prevent exploitation of an unfair competitive advantage where sensitive information is exchanged between two parties.
- Non-Disclosure AgreementA Non-Disclosure Agreement is a contract used to maintain privacy in agreements where sensitive information is exchanged between two parties.
- Notice of Intent to Vacate PremisesTenant Notices are given to a landlord by a tenant, and include Notice of Intent to Vacate, Notice of Termination, and Notice to Repair.
- Notice of Lease ViolationAn Eviction Notice informs a tenant of overdue rent, lease violations, the end of a non-renewing lease term, or other legal grounds for terminating a rental contract.
- Notice of TerminationAn Eviction Notice informs a tenant of overdue rent, lease violations, the end of a non-renewing lease term, or other legal grounds for terminating a rental contract.
- Notice of Withdrawal from PartnershipA Notice of Withdrawal from Partnership can be used when a partner is withdrawing from a partnership for voluntary or involuntary reasons.
- Notice To EnterA Notice To Enter is a written letter informing the tenant that the landlord or property manager will be entering the property in the near future.
- Notice to Pay Rent or QuitAn Eviction Notice informs a tenant of overdue rent, lease violations, the end of a non-renewing lease term, or other legal grounds for terminating a rental contract.
- Notice to QuitAn Eviction Notice informs a tenant of overdue rent, lease violations, the end of a non-renewing lease term, or other legal grounds for terminating a rental contract.
- Notice to RepairTenant Notices are given to a landlord by a tenant, and include Notice of Intent to Vacate, Notice of Termination, and Notice to Repair.
- Offer to LeaseAn Offer to Lease is a formal letter or statement expressing your intent to rent commercial property.
- Offer to Purchase Real EstateAn Offer to Purchase Real Estate Agreement sets out the terms and conditions of an offer to purchase between the buyer and the seller in a real estate transaction.
- Partnership AgreementA Partnership Agreement establishes the rights and responsibilities of general partners, and the rules in a for-profit partnership.
- Partnership AmendmentA Partnership Amendment is used to change terms in an existing Partnership Agreement.
- Performance AgreementA Performance Contract sets out the terms of a performance by an individual or group in a private or commercial venue.
- Personal/Corporate GuaranteeA Personal or Corporate Guarantee is a contract where an individual or corporation (guarantor) agrees to be responsible for the debt or obligations of another individual or corporation (debtor) in the event the debtor defaults on its obligations.
- Personal Care ProfileEnsure your interests, beliefs, and health requirements are respected by caregivers with a Personal Care Profile. Quickly communicate vital personal details to secure your personal care and comfort.
- Personal Property Rental AgreementA Personal Property Rental Agreement is used when a lessor (owner) rents out personal property to a lessee (renter) for short or long-term use.
- Plan parentalLe Plan parental a pour but de protéger les intérêts de l’enfant mineur et les conditions d’exercice de l’autorité parentale.
- Politique de confidentialité d'un site webUne Politique de confidentialité d'un site web est un document qui indique les façons dont un site web peut recueillir, utiliser et conserver les données.
- Postnuptial AgreementA Postnuptial Agreement is a contract used by a married couple to sort out current and future financial and property matters in the event of a separation or divorce.
- Power of AttorneyA Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal document that gives someone the authority to manage your affairs on your behalf. This authority is crucial if you want someone to legally represent and advocate for your interests in situations where you can’t.
- Prenuptial AgreementA Prenuptial Agreement is a contract that spouses create before getting married that sets out each partner’s financial duties if they separate or divorce.
- ProcurationLa Procuration (ou Mandat) permet à une personne d'en autoriser une autre à agir en son nom et pour gérer ses affaires juridiques et financières.
- Promissory NoteA Promissory Note documents the borrower’s legally binding promise to repay a loan under certain terms and conditions. Unlike an IOU that only acknowledges a debt amount, a Promissory Note details the consequences of failing to repay a loan.
- Proposal TemplateA Proposal Template outlines your qualifications and cost estimate for the freelance job you’re bidding on.
- Purchase AgreementA Purchase Agreement is a legally binding contract between a buyer and a seller to outline the terms of a transaction. Either the buyer or seller can create a Sales Agreement to document the transaction.
- Purchase of Business AgreementA Business Purchase Agreement is a contract that transfers a business entity from its owner to a new buyer. This agreement list the terms of the transaction and can include clauses and warranties that protect both the seller and the purchaser after the tr
- Purchase OrderA Purchase Order (PO) is a form a buyer sends to a seller to order specific goods and confirm their intent to purchase. It initiates the process of buying goods from suppliers and vendors.
- Real Estate Purchase AgreementA Real Estate Purchase Agreement is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of a residential property sale. Prospective buyers (or their agents) can submit this document as an offer to a seller, who may then negotiate terms before signing and ac
- Reconnaissance de detteLa Reconnaissance de dette est un document par lequel une personne s’engage à payer à une autre personne une somme prédéfinie à une date déterminée.
- Reference ListA Reference List provides potential employers with a list of personal and work contacts who can verify your information.
- Release/Waiver AgreementA Release of Liability is an agreement between two parties in which one gives up the right to hold the other legally responsible for current or future injuries, losses, and damages.
- Rental Inspection ReportA Rental Inspection Report records the condition of a rental property when a tenant moves in, and again when a tenant moves out.
- Rent Increase NoticeLandlords use a Rent Increase Notice when informing tenants about a change in rent charges. With this document, landlords fulfill their obligations to provide appropriate notice periods and fair rent adjustments.
- Rent ReceiptA Rent Receipt is used to keep track of full or partial rent payments.
- Residential Lease AgreementA Residential Tenancy Agreement, also known as a Residential Lease Agreement, is a contract that outlines the rights and responsibilities of a landlord and their tenant(s).
- Residential Rental ApplicationA Residential Rental Application is a form used by rental property owners, property managers, and landlords to gather information on potential tenants looking to lease a living space.
- Residential Sublease AgreementA Residential Sublease Agreement is used when the tenant transfers property rights over to a third party, known as a subtenant, for the remainder of the residential lease term.
- Resignation LetterA Resignation Letter provides legal notice to your employer of your departure from the company.
- Résiliation de bail résidentielLa Résiliation d’un bail résidentiel est un contrat dans lequel les parties à un bail résidentiel conviennent d’une date de fin de bail plus rapprochée.
- ResumeA Resume Builder is a tool that generates a custom, formatted resume based on the information you enter about your past work experience, skills, education, volunteer experience, interests, and more.
- Revocation of Power of AttorneyA Revocation of Power of Attorney is a document that cancels a Power of Attorney (POA), taking away the powers and authority granted within it. It’s also known as a notice of revocation.
- Roommate AgreementA Roommate Agreement is a written contract between roommates that outlines their rights and obligations while living together. This agreement includes house rules, maintenance duties, restricted behaviors, and more.
- Sales AgreementA Sales Agreement is a legally binding contract between a buyer and a seller to outline the terms of a transaction. Either the buyer or seller can create a Sales Agreement to document the transaction.
- Separation / Divorce PapersSeparation / Divorce Papers are used by spouses to establish terms for living apart. They include how the couple intends to separate assets and debt, and allow the couple to address child custody and spousal/child support, prior to a divorce judgement.
- Separation AgreementA Separation Agreement is used by two spouses to establish terms for living apart. It includes how they intend to separate assets and debts, and allows them to address child custody and spousal/child support, prior to a divorce judgement.
- Separation Agreement (Before Divorce)A Separation Agreement is used by two spouses to establish terms for living apart. It includes how they intend to separate assets and debts, and allows them to address child custody and spousal/child support, prior to a divorce judgement.
- Service AgreementA Service Agreement is a contract used between a service provider and a client (or customer) that outlines the exchange of services for compensation.
- Share CertificatesCorporate supplies include a custom minute book, corporate seals, or Share Certificates for your company.
- Shareholder's Appointment of RepresentativeA Shareholder's Appointment of Representative allows a representative to vote at all shareholder meetings and make decisions that a corporate shareholder would normally make.
- Shareholder AgreementA Shareholder Agreement is a contract between shareholders of a corporation. It specifies shareholder rights and responsibilities, and includes terms on internal management, share valuation, profit distribution, dispute resolution methods, and more within
- Shareholder Loan AgreementA Shareholder Loan Agreement is used when a corporation is borrowing money from one of its shareholders; a shareholder is lending money to its corporation; or a corporation owes money to a shareholder (for salary etc.) and the parties need a record of the
- Shareholder ProxyA Shareholder Proxy allows an individual or corporation to appoint a representative to vote at a shareholder meeting.
- Shareholders' ResolutionA Shareholders' Resolution is a document that shareholders can use to pass company decisions in writing instead of having to hold a formal meeting.
- Share Purchase AgreementA Share Purchase Agreement is a contract used for the sale of stock or shares between an existing shareholder of a corporation and another individual or corporation.
- Share Repurchase AgreementA Share Repurchase Agreement is used when a corporation wishes to repurchase shares from one of its shareholders.
- Share SubscriptionA Share Subscription is used when new common shares/stocks are issued by a corporation and sold to a purchaser, also known as a subscriber. The subscriber executes this document and it is then retained in the corporation's records.
- Subcontractor AgreementAn Independent Contractor Agreement is a written contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the working arrangement between an independent contractor and client.
- SWOT AnalysisA SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool used by companies and project managers to evaluate internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
- Termination AgreementA Termination Agreement is a legal document that parties use to mutually cancel a contract. It can cancel all sorts of contracts, including those that pertain to leases, services, loans, sales, and employment.
- Termination by TenantTenant Notices are given to a landlord by a tenant, and include Notice of Intent to Vacate, Notice of Termination, and Notice to Repair.
- TestamentLe Testament permet à une personne de désigner les héritiers de son patrimoine et de préciser la part revenant à chacun. Il nomme aussi un exécuteur.
- Trademark AssignmentA Trademark Assignment transfers ownership of a trademark from one party to another.
- Vehicle Leasing AgreementA Vehicle Leasing Agreement is used when an owner (lessor) rents a vehicle to another person (lessee) for a fixed term period.
- Website Privacy PolicyA Website Privacy Policy is a statement on behalf of an organization or entity outlining how they use customer or client data that they collect online.
- Website Terms and ConditionsWebsite Terms and Conditions detail all the rights and obligations of the users and the owner of a website.
- WillUse a Last Will and Testament to control the distribution of your estate and to appoint a legal guardian for any dependents after you pass away.