Free Child Visitation Letter

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Child Visitation Letter

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Your Child Visitation Letter

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_________________, Alberta

________________ ____, ________

_________________, Alberta

Re: Planning child visitation

Dear _________________:

I am writing this letter to plan a visit between myself and our child, .

The visit will begin at _________________ on the 4th day of March, 2025. At the beginning of the visit _________________ will pick up  from __________________________________, which is located at __________________________________.

The visit will end at _________________ on the 4th day of March, 2025. At the end of the visit _________________ will pick up  from __________________________________, which is located at __________________________________.

If you need additional information or have any questions I can be contacted at the above address.



Related Documents:

  • Child Medical Consent: grant a caregiver or other person permission to make medical decisions for a child.
  • Child Travel Consent: provide parental permission for a minor child to travel with one parent, a group, another person, or alone.
  • Separation Agreement: establish terms for spouses to live apart, divide assets and responsibilities, and prepare for separation
  • Online Divorce Papers: Online divorce papers that can be used for no-fault, uncontested divorces, wherein both parties agree to the terms of the divorce.
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Child Visitation Letter

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