Free Affidavit of Execution

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Affidavit of Execution

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Your Affidavit of Execution

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Affidavit of Execution

The Province of Alberta
To Wit:
I, _______________, of _______________, _______________, Alberta, MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT:
  1. I WAS PERSONALLY present and did see _______________ who is known to me to be the person named in the attached __________ (the instrument), duly sign the instrument.
  2. THE INSTRUMENT was signed at the City of __________, in The Province of Alberta, and that I am the subscribing witness thereto.
  3. _______________ was personally present and did see me duly sign the instrument.
  4. That I believe the person whose signature I witnessed, _______________, the person named in the instrument, is at least the age of majority in this Province.

SWORN BEFORE ME at the city of __________, in The Province of Alberta this ________ day of ________________, ________.

 A Commissioner of Oaths in and for
The Province of Alberta
My Commission expires: ______________________.



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